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A Principius passing-by South California
As an antique dream - of going to USA and presenting my music - I now, with 60 years and 42 in music road, intend firmly to travel in 8 days in 2017 in a rented van with a musical group of at least 4 elements: flutist, guitarist, drummerist and organist - to a way since Sacramento till Palm Beach airports, playing in as many universities or local cafes I'd succeed to find out. As soon as possible have contacted following universities: St. Healdsburg, Cabrillo College, San Fresno University of California, University of la Verne, University of South California, Cal Poly Pomona and College of the Desert.
We plan to arrive with Principius - this band - in Sunday and shall drive rented car with our instruments in a leading line from North to South or contrary if necessary. Then, Monday afternoon we arrive in first university and mount and rehearse a little to get used to local acoustics. At night we should present almos 1 hour of music to public. Then, Tuesday morning we'd drive to next parade and repeat these steps till Saturday. If necessary also, we should do 2 presentations at Saturday and one more in Sunday. This would give us 8 recitals in a minimum of 5!
Today - in 2015 then - I really was excited by the idea, but haven't noticed the serious bottom of the project: would cost around U.S.$ 7,000.00!! I would have to make a new loan to my bank and this might be a catastrophe in my account! In this calculation, I began with 4-5 air tickets from São Paulo and rent of a Dodge Caravan since Sacramento. If I soon booked these things here they'd be much cheaper. And Visa documentation takes 3 months before exit and is complicated and easily they can deny it at the Northamerican Consulate! For these reasons I postponed beginning of project in several months.
The rest is also just complicated as a matter of fact: get to obtain recitals booked in order of curse and also with a good mixer and P.A. sound and with a decent university public watching us. And a Tour Manager or Booking Agent could enter in contact with colleges to put things in order, seeing if is possible to book any event and get a place anywhere to Principius sleep at nights, or have meals. A good producer should eventually change an university by another in our way. Or delete any of them to easy things.
Here I was told I should open an enterprise just to offer this general cost as a Music Project within certain specific deductible tax laws to other companies - this I shall learn in a way or another - and thus was born a Rouanet Law Musical Project! I know there are many external things to music I quite can't accomplish, who knows a manager put things to function??
Well, to a Tour Manager candidating him or herself of pursuing our band, our "tourism" has some - my - rules:
a) In the beginning I earn nothing, for it's a cultural project - and an old dream come true;
b) Instruments and passengers, musicians, should always go in same airplane and rented van, not to get lost otherwise;
c) If we arrive in an initial line of a way in South California, then we should drive ourselves to next recitals in this line, till the end of it, waiting for our exit in final airport - just not to bother musicians involved;
d) Distance between recitals might not exceed 300 Km - tipically 200 - , to easy things of driving and instruments within van - maybe in danger of theft;
e) Weather in average good terms is vital to our success of trip in roads;
f) General objectives of Principius pursue mainly cultural reasons, never putting money ahead of these goals.
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Our Gigs
Probable recital booked in Lancaster, USA!
Third year of Rouanet Law's Project above, with no captions at all, with budget over U.S.$ 80,000!
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